Jill Marconi

K-12 Education Specialist

Ohio Aerospace Institute

A white woman with sunglasses and a pilot's headset

Think it, Create it, Use it

Jill’s students bring designs to life with 3D printing, turning their ideas into creations they can hold in their hands and use right away!

Think it, Create it, Use it

Jill’s students bring designs to life with 3D printing, turning their ideas into creations they can hold in their hands and use right away!

Anyone Can Do It

A self-proclaimed non-artistic person, Jill says if she can create with additive manufacturing then anyone can.

“I can’t even draw a stick figure… but I love designing in 3D. “

From the Classroom to an NFL Game

Jill describes how her students rose to the challenge and used 3D printing to create a remote-controlled car featured on the half time show at an NFL game.

From the Classroom to an NFL Game

Jill describes how her students rose to the challenge and used 3D printing to create a remote-controlled car featured on the half time show at an NFL game.

A Place for Everyone

High-tech careers in STEM are for everyone, and Jill’s students and her own son are proof.

Looking to the Future with Additive Manufacturing

When you work in the additive manufacturing industry you will also have access to new career opportunities that will prepare you for the future in ways that would make Jill’s grandfather proud.

Looking to the Future with Additive Manufacturing

When you work in the additive manufacturing industry you will also have access to new career opportunities that will prepare you for the future in ways that would make Jill’s grandfather proud.

Keep exploring

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A white man in United States military camo and sunglasses

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