America Makes proudly announces the election process of its new Executive Committee—the main strategic advisory group for the Institute, focusing on strategy, policy, and advocacy. The Executive Committee is comprised of three appointed government representatives and representatives elected from three sectors within our membership community— two non-profits, two academia, two industry, and two at-large. At-large representation will be chosen from the industry community, as it represents the largest percentage of the America Makes membership.

Once selected, the Executive Committee will begin a two-year term starting August 2022 focused on evaluating the membership model, providing strategic guidance to the America Makes team, counseling on ecosystem development and partnership building, advising on data management and IP policy, and supporting strategic growth efforts and membership outreach.

Below candidates have been nominated for the America Makes Executive Committee term starting August 2022 through July 2024. Per the America Makes Operating Plan, it is the responsibility of the Governance Board to elect members to the Executive Committee by a majority vote.

Please review the biography for each candidate and cast your votes in each sector.  Once all votes are received America Makes will formally announce the new 2022 Executive Committee.